September 2, 2022

Find me on Skillshare

As the dates of the next workshops are not yet known, you can any time to learn watercolor with me on the Skillshare platform. Here you will find my five lessons with all explanations and demonstrations:

Remember that new members have their first 7 days of Skillshare for free.

June 1, 2021

Workshops in June 2021

Summer is a perfect time to go on plein air and feel yourself like an artist. So I'm happy to invite you to participate in my few watercolor sessions. Choose the subject which you love more!

"Boat on Geneva's Lake" 13 June (only 1 spot left) and 20 June (2 spots left), Sunday, from 10h to 12h.
You will discover the basic painting techniques to paint the water, reflections and other tips which you can use on the plein air.

No drawing level is required. You come if you want to get the maximum of pleasant emotions from drawing on the plein air in friendly company, relax and meditate during this process and I will show you all steps how to do.

"Flowers in the park" 27 June (2 spots left), Sunday, from 10h to 12h
Very simple and calm workshop of beautiful hydrangea, everyone will get a lovely bouquet on the paper. After it’s possible to stay for a little picnic in the park.

The same - no drawing level is required. You come if you want to get the maximum of pleasant emotions from drawing on the plein air in friendly company, relax and meditate during this process and I will show you all steps how to do.

The place will be announced later but it will be in the center of Geneva.
Price 60 CHF including artist’s materials during the class.

For the booking your spot e-mail or write me a message on Instagram

See you soon!

Few words from my dear participants:

March 13, 2021

Watercolor classes I’m teaching

Hello! Today I'll share with you the spaces where you can find my watercolor tutorials and learn this beautiful technique step by step.

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February 20, 2021

Brushes for watercolor

Learn more about watercolor techniques and materials.

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December 8, 2020

Workshops in December

Hello! So December is finally here and I'm announcing the next dates of my Christmas Watercolor Workshops:

  • 13 December, Sunday, 11h00 (fully booked)
  • 17 December, Thursday, 17h00 (1 place left)
  • 18 December, Friday, 18h00 (1 place left)

I'm excited to host these small groups (4 personnes) and show them how to paint lovely Christmas illustrations! Hot beverage are included. Art supplies are by my charge. This workshop is for 2h. The price is 60chf.

To book the place for the workshop please sent me a direct message on Instagram or to

So I hope to see you soon!

July 20, 2020

Art brunch in Geneva

I was so happy to host this little event - Art brunch. This idea has long been in my head and finally, the first meeting with two passionate girls passed with success. Together we spent a great creative morning on summer Geneva's terrace.

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June 21, 2020

How to choose the right watercolor paper

Do you remarque that in every sphere when you are a beginner it's important to use the right materials, ingredients, proportions, etc? Of course, it's totally normal when a professional could cook a great dinner, sew a wonderful dress, or of course, draw an amazing painting with no matter what he uses.

When I started to draw (well, it was since my childhood, but I mean when I started to do it consciously), I was using cheap materials: non-professional paper, watercolor for the children, and brushes which I bought in supermarkets. It took me a while to understand that my results are affected by the materials and I need to start right away with the right ones.

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May 4, 2020

Creative watercolor tutorial

I'm so excited to announce that in partnership with Geneva Discovery @genevadiscovery and with the support of Les Sirops de Morand @distilleriemorand - a family syrup factory based in Switzerland, I have created a creative watercolor workshop which I and am offering you! You can find it on Youtube. I will explain to you my technic, in this apricot cake inspired by one of the Morand syrup flavors. I hope you will enjoy and learn something new about watercolor painting.

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April 23, 2020

Paris Pastry Guide

Big passion and pure enthusiasm led me and my friend Anastasia to the creation of this Paris Pastry Guide. Inside you will find the full description and instruction of 10 incredible pastry shops in Paris, which you should definitely discover during your visit to the French capital. This guide is also a beautiful gift for everyone who planned their vacation in Paris - it's compact and extra pretty. We carefully composed the info about shops, tips, souvenirs, and all addresses, which you should know.

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April 23, 2020

My watercolor workshop

I was a teacher for the first time! 16 February I was hosting in beautiful art studio Artiloft in Lausanne.
Before starting a new thing, like always, you have all kinds of doubts and excitements. It's because I was responsible for the result of my students. This is a bit unusual - when I'm painting at home, it's real meditation, I'm thinking about nothing... I don't go fast, I'm not hurrying. But when you show your process in real-time, you should be accurate and precise. Hopefully, as my friend said - if everyone has succeeded with their paintings it means that you explained all right.

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2025 © Alexandra Motovilina